Spring Dresses…because it’s SPRING!

Something fantastic has happened. The snow has stopped, the sun is making the odd appearance, and woolly winter coats are no longer an absolute necessity…spring has officially sprung!

And I, like everyone, am very blooming excited about this! The odd burst of bird song has me grinning upwards to the trees like a nutter and I feel the need to tell everyone I see about the good weather – “Sunshine! See? Real life sunshine!”

Anyway, to celebrate the arrival of this long-awaited season I have gathered a collection of cheery, flowery and funky dresses from some of my favourite ethical fashion ranges. So ignore the fact that most British summers are windy and rainy and spread the spring-time joy.

(Oh and I’ve been playing around with the blog and have discovered how to make a scrolling gallery – check it out!)

Nancy Dee

I was recently hit by a desperate urge to shop.  It happens every so often, doesn’t it?  Suddenly your wardrobe feels disturbingly empty and everyone you pass seems to be dressed head to toe in the shiniest and most beautiful attire! …well hopefully it’s not just me.

So, rather than heading over to my nearest high street, I reached for my laptop and scoured the many beautiful ethical clothing ranges that can be found online – many of which also have jolly good sales going on at the moment.

One such site that currently has a top sale is Nancy Dee.  The sustainable British-manufactured clothing company makes its gorgeous garments from a range of renewable natural sources from soya beans and bamboo.

Pretty clothes, good ethics, and low costs! Needless to say, my shopping urge is thoroughly satisfied.

(All images: nancydee.co.uk)

People Tree

Anybody that has experienced the joy that is my old blog could probably tell quite quickly how much I bloody love People Tree.

I bought my first proper piece of ethical clothing from here – a long-sleeved red and white striped t-shirt that I wear pretty much all the time –  so I have always seen People Tree as something of a sturdy classic.

The clothes, that are crafted using fairtrade and organic methods, are not only full of eco-osity, and really lovely to look at, but are also so very comfortable to wear, and reasonably priced.

Basically, it’s safe to say that I’m a fan.

So the other day, when I found out People Tree were having a sample sale at their office over Brick Lane way, I trotted along pretty sharpish in the hunt for new office gear – one thing I have recently learnt: a student wardrobe is in no way suitable for an office job.

I bagged myself a cheeky new office dress, with considerable help from the Ethical Stylist Lucy Harvey, after which a lady with a camera accosted me, and subsequently put the photo up on facebook and twitter.

I was a little mortified, and yet, I’ve still uploaded the photo below.  I look so truly professional and at ease – can you tell which one is me?

So go, check out the website if you’d like – they’ve got a sale on at the moment!

(Image source for all [apart from that last stunner]: People Tree)