Vintage clothing, elaborate door knockers and my Mum.

Molly's Den I’m quite proud of my mum. Not only because she is the Queen of macaroni cheese (a much coveted title I know) and her multi-tasking talents reach the brink of human ability, but also because she has well and truly embraced vintage chic*!

(*Of course, by ‘vintage’ I mean ‘second-hand’, but that doesn’t sound quite so glamorous)

It seems that every time I see her she’s sporting some new item that she “just picked up from the local charity shop in my lunch break”.

But my mother has made a recent discovery and, gosh, she’s really outdone herself this time. If they allowed 50-something women into the Brownies, she’d be sewing the I’m-a-vintage-QUEEN badge onto her sash as I type.

Molly’s Den is not just a charity shop, it is an Aladdin’s cave bursting with vintage, second-hand, antique, upcycled goods including, but not limited to, furniture, clothing, books, pin-up pictures, ornaments, records, wedding dresses, kitchen utensils, and random elaborate door knockers!

Molly's Den 2

As I have frequented this two-floor 16,000 square ft warehouse during my last two visits home, I thought it was only right to dedicate a blog to it and the many wonders found inside.

What I particularly like is how out of place it feels. Molly’s Den would be quite at home in some trendy back street of Islington or Camden, but instead its home is a small industrial estate in a corner of Dorset. It makes a country girl proud!

I could have wondered around it for hours and, of course, that’s exactly what Mum and I did.

Some top buys so far include a cute shirt for work and a vintage cream jug with the spout painted like a fox’s head – Mum was particularly proud of that one.

Plus, to top it off, there’s cake! Gosh, I love Dorset.