Homemade to measure

If anyone ever tells you that being eco is a costly endeavour then they, sir, are bare-face liars or wildly mistaken fools!

That’s the great thing about trying live an ethical lifestyle on a realistic budget – it’s actually pretty darn easy at times!

Take homemade lunches for example.  Not only are you saving on all that ridiculously unnecessary packaging that store-bought lunches come in – ” whole plastic bag just for 5 slices of sodding apple? Just buy the fruit in its entirety!! – but you’re also saving a heck of a lot of pennies!

If an average lunch in the shops cost £4, that’s £20 per week, which is £80 every month! There’s nothing like a bit of cheeky maths to put things into perspective…scary, scary perspective.

Whereas, if you pop down your local on a Sunday, grab a few essentials, then cook/ chop/ mix them up, you can feed yourself for the whole week on £5 at the most, saving yourself £60 each month.

Being the highly mediocre and lazy cook that I am, I’m not about to start divulging luncheon tips, although personally I am a big fan of the veggie cous cous, (easy, quick, and lasts a lifetime in the fridge), I am merely advocating the idea of home-made lunches!

Salads, pasta, roast dinner leftovers, the stoical sandwich, whatever you want – it’s better for the environment, it’s better for your wallet.

(I should definitely go into advertising)

Raspberry and cream cupcakes

Another rainy day activity for today.  These little beauties are easy to make, nice to look at, pretty darn tasty (if I do say so myself), and being home-made means you avoid the silly shop prices and the excess plastic packaging, so these are both economical and ethical!

On a wet, London-y Saturday afternoon I found this great recipe online and immediately, with wooden spoon and an upbeat attitude in hand, I set about it!

It might not actually be sunny outside, but by jove, we can still eat summer fruits and pretend it is!