Eat out: London #3 Bonnington Cafe

Next on my list of great eats in London – or rather Greater London – is the Bonnington Cafe.

Bonnington Cafe, Vauxhall

This one is courtesy of my good pal and blogger extraordinaire Flick (aka They Called It The Diamond Blog). East of Vauxhall station and down a couple of rather dubious-looking dark residential streets, you’ll discover the Bonnington Cafe. From the outside, it resembles a slightly eerie knick-knack store and, from the inside, somebody’s front room.

Eat out London Bonnington CafeMuch to my relief on first frequenting it, the Bonnington Cafe turns out to be a fun and tasty, community-led, and 100 per cent vegetarian (*high five*) restaurant. Run as part of the Bonnington Square Community Centre, the restaurant doesn’t have just one chef, but a ever-changing array of cooks that changes night-to-night. It’s worth checking online first for a clue of what dishes to expect.

The menu is very simple, with just two starters, two mains, and two desserts to choose from and, although I can’t remember the name of our chef, I do remember tucking into a plate of spicy maffe senegalese red bean stew with rice, and wheat-free almond chocolate cake.

Eat out London Bonnington Cafe 1London isn’t exactly renowned for its community feel – surprise surprise! – so this homely initiative is a refreshing change, as well as a great way for a local community centre to earn some cash. My personal favourite part of the restaurant was the BYO policy and, while it’s not exactly the most glamorous of eateries, it’s a great place for an easy catch up with a couple of good friends over some tasty food.

Veggie verdict: 10/10 – it’s a meat-free zone, suckers!
Price: Starters and desserts are set at £3.50 each and mains at £7.50 – well, at least, they were on the day we went.
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