Waste not, want not.

So many strawberries

Strawberry cupcakes on a lazy, sunny Sunday.

One of the many, many new things I have learnt since leaving studentdom and entering the land of ‘full-time work’ is how much quicker food goes off when one doesn’t spend 85 percent of their time inside the house!

This is how, when last weekend arrived, I discovered in the kitchen a couple of browning, sad-looking bananas and, (the middle-class Brit that I am), a whole punnet of strawberries that had seen better days.

Not to be deterred, I decided that rather than chucking this perfectly fine, but maybe a little squishy, fruit in the bin I was going to craft cakey-goodness out of them.  Putting them to good use, whilst simultaneously cancelling-out any nutritional benefit the fruit would have on its own!

Thus, a batch of strawberry cupcakes and a dozen banana muffins were born!!

The cupcakes were a variation of the raspberry ones I recently made, and I found the recipe for banana muffins here, both of which I’d definitely recommend.

Then, of course I fobbed them off on my friends, family, and work colleagues.  So, a reason to bake, avoid lovely fruity items going to waste, consume some cake, and the chance to butter-up my new work colleagues – brilliant stuff!

Gosh, cake is great, right?

Old browning bananas are not fun.

Banana muffin landscape.

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