People Tree

Anybody that has experienced the joy that is my old blog could probably tell quite quickly how much I bloody love People Tree.

I bought my first proper piece of ethical clothing from here – a long-sleeved red and white striped t-shirt that I wear pretty much all the time –  so I have always seen People Tree as something of a sturdy classic.

The clothes, that are crafted using fairtrade and organic methods, are not only full of eco-osity, and really lovely to look at, but are also so very comfortable to wear, and reasonably priced.

Basically, it’s safe to say that I’m a fan.

So the other day, when I found out People Tree were having a sample sale at their office over Brick Lane way, I trotted along pretty sharpish in the hunt for new office gear – one thing I have recently learnt: a student wardrobe is in no way suitable for an office job.

I bagged myself a cheeky new office dress, with considerable help from the Ethical Stylist Lucy Harvey, after which a lady with a camera accosted me, and subsequently put the photo up on facebook and twitter.

I was a little mortified, and yet, I’ve still uploaded the photo below.  I look so truly professional and at ease – can you tell which one is me?

So go, check out the website if you’d like – they’ve got a sale on at the moment!

(Image source for all [apart from that last stunner]: People Tree)

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